It has been a very busy week for provincial reopening announcements across the country. We have compiled the highlights below along with links where you will find more information.
- On February 8th, Premier Jason Kenney announced a 3-step plan to gradually lift public health measures. With the move to Step 1, which was implemented February 8th at midnight, the Restrictions Exemption Program was ended. This means proof of vaccination is no longer required to access many public spaces, including trade and consumer shows.
Under Step 1, facilities with capacities of 1000+ will be limited to 50%. Food and beverage areas at events will be limited to 10 people per table with no mingling between tables.
Effective midnight, February 13th masks will no longer be required in any setting for children aged 12 and under
- When the province moves to Step 2 on March 1, capacity limits for all venues will be lifted, the Provincial mask mandate will be removed and the mandatory work from home order will be lifted.
Full details are available here.
- In BC the restrictions announced on January 18th are to remain in place until February 15th. The current PHO order can be found here.
- Ontario remains in Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen which was put in place on January 31st. The next phase of reopening is set to take place on February 21st. The current regulations can be found here. On February 10, Chief Medical Officer Kieran Moore stated the peak of the Omicron wave has now passed and he will be making recommendations to government as soon as the week of February 14th regarding what public health measures can be eased.
- Applications for the Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant are now being accepted. While CAEM is pleased that meeting and event spaces, as well as conference and convention centres, are eligible businesses in this program, we continue to press the case with numerous Ontario government ministries that trade and consumer show producers and suppliers have also suffered significant economic losses due to the public health restrictions and justifiably need to be included in the eligibility criteria. This work continues and just this week we submitted a Pre-Budget Submission to the Minister of Finance addressing this very issue. You will find the submission here.
- Earlier this week The Quebec government announced a relaxation of certain health measures which will take effect February 21. These include the reopening of trade and consumer shows at full capacity, with mandatory indoor masking and proof of vaccination for events occupying 1500 m2 or more. Trade and consumer shows continue to be subject to the same rules as commercial establishments. Restaurant measures are in place for food and beverage areas, which means proof of vaccination is required to access seated areas.
Details available here.
- Premier Legault has stated the plan is to have most of the province’s restrictions lifted by mid-March, though mandatory masks and the vaccine passport will remain in place for the foreseeable future
- Under Manitoba’s current restrictions, which are in effect until February 22nd, a 50% capacity limit is in place for public venues with proof of vaccination and mask mandate in place.
More details here.
- The proof of vaccination requirement for certain public facilities will be removed on February 14th with mandatory masking in indoor public spaces being removed at 12:01am on February 28th. There are no capacity limits in place in Saskatchewan for public venues.
More details here
New Brunswick
- Effective February 18th, the province moves to Level 1 of their 3-Step COVID-19 Winter Plan. Venues will be open without capacity limits, however patrons must show proof of vaccination and masks are required in indoor public spaces.
More details here.
Nova Scotia
- A 3-phase plan has been announced with Step 1 coming into place on February 14th. Under Step 1 large event venues of 100,000 square feet and over will have a 50% capacity limit up to 3000 people.
Proof of vaccination and the mask mandate remains in place during Step 1.
More details here.
- A 3-phase approach has been announced with the move to Step 1 taking place February 17th. A 50% capacity limit will be in place for events, with organizers required to maximize the use of space to allow for as much physical distancing as possible. The PEI Vax pass will be in effect for Step 1 as well as the mask mandate.
More details here.
Newfoundland & Labrador
- Effective February 14th, events may run at 50% of the venue’s capacity. Physical distancing must be maintained. The mask mandate and proof of vaccination remain in effect.
More details here.
CAEM's membership is based on the calendar year (January – December) so now is the time to renew your membership if you have not already done so.
As the only industry Association working entirely on your behalf, we are counting on your continued engagement and support by renewing your membership for 2022. Paid memberships fuel CAEM's initiatives and advocacy efforts, and we need your support now, more than ever.
As we set our sights on 2022, CAEM’s strategic priorities are clear and well-defined.
- Strengthening the industry through government relations, partnership building, public relations and communications
- Ensuring trade shows and consumer shows remain a viable part of our economy through industry advocacy
- Growing and engaging our membership in order to strengthen our national footprint and expand our influence
- Equipping and empowering our members for recovery through targeted education and peer-to-peer networking
- Managing the association’s financial stability and diversifying our revenue streams
The importance and impact of a strong industry association cannot be understated. As a not-for-profit association, we cannot do this critical work without you.
To renew your 2022 membership, login to your CAEM account HERE.
- Forgot your password? Reset it here.
- Need assistance? Email info@caem.ca or phone 416.787.9377
NOT A CAEM MEMBER? There is no time like the present to join! You will find our membership prospectus here, and please do not hesitate to reach out to CAEM Executive Director Jennifer Allaby with any questions you may have – info@caem.ca or 416.787.9377.