- On Thursday, October 21st, the Liberal Government announced the launch of targeted support measures for businesses continuing to face significant pandemic-related challenges, including a new Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program and a new Hardest Hit Business Recovery Program, which will be in place from October 24, 2021 to May 7, 2022.This is a very big win for the Coalition of Hardest Hit Businesses as this is very close to what they were advocating for. As you know, CAEM is a member of the Steering Committee of this Coalition and we want to extend a very big THANK YOU to all of you who engaged in the
letter writing campaign over the last few weeks because undoubtedly your letters made a difference! CAEM very much welcomes this announcement because a sector specific funding stream has been our top ask in our many meetings with government over the course of the last 10 months.You can find the Coalition's official release here and the official government press release can be found here.
This announcement gives our industry hope as we embark on the long road to recovery. We will share more details about these programs as they become available.
- Prime Minister Trudeau also announced the provinces and the federal government have agreed on a new national vaccine passport for domestic and international travel. Rather than distribute a separate federal document for international travel, provinces and territories have agreed to tailor their own vaccine passports so they will all have the same look, feel and security measures based on the international standard for so-called smart health cards, which contain features to help prevent tampering. Several provinces have already begun to roll out the new proofs of vaccination, including Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and Yukon. Read the official press release here.
Last Friday, October 15th the Ontario government rolled out its Enhanced COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate as well as the scanning app, Verify Ontario, to be used to check vaccination status in settings where proof of vaccination is required such as meeting and event spaces – including conference and convention centres. You will find a detailed deck outlining the implementation of the process here, and you can find CAEM's summary of the key elements of the program here.
CAEM joined TIAO and several other industry associations to raise concerns surrounding the lack of clarity from the Ontario government when it comes to capacity limits and why some sectors can open at full capacity without physical distancing requirements while others, such as meeting and event spaces, continue to be held to physical distancing limits. You can read the letter sent to Premier Ford here.
The International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) has a discount offer available for global CEMs to attend the virtual/digital program for Expo! Expo! (December 7-9) and the virtual sessions are eligible for recertification credits.
Any global CEM (outside the U.S. who is not an IAEE member) can attend for the member price of $299 USD – the regular price for a non-member to attend is $499 USD.
The digital experience will include live streams of the Opening General Session, Day Two General Session and new Mobile Sessions, which highlight various exhibitors with in-booth presentations. Digital only attendees will have access to 30-minute pre-recorded presentations from professionals who will be live to answer questions during their sessions. Finally, the in-person Tech Theater sessions will be recorded and housed on the IAEE Expo! Expo! digital platform.
You can register here. You will be asked for your CEM member number to register and then you will complete the registration form. At the end of the registration process you will see a Promo Code field where you will enter the code CEMVIRTUAL. This will make your registration $299 USD and you will then be able to finalize your registration with payment.
Contact the CAEM office with any questions you may have at info@caem.ca.