CAEM Update – September 16



  • Federal Election Campaign Advocacy
    In our last update on September 2, we detailed the action you could take to amplify CAEM's advocacy work during the Federal Election Campaign.  Thank you so much to those of you who took action and phoned or met with your local candidates.  We cannot emphasize enough how important this grassroots support is to getting our message heard.  If you have not had the opportunity to reach out to your local candidates – there is still time!  In the final days of the campaign, we have an opportunity to do one last push to ensure all candidates understand the urgent need for continued and tailored support for our sector.  One voice is not enough, we need our members and stakeholders to add their voice to amplify the extensive work CAEM has done in this regard.  The last few days of the election campaign are very impactful and as this race is very close, there is no better time to reach out to your local candidates because they are looking for every possible vote.
    Crestview Strategy has launched one final email push to all candidates across the country.  This communication includes a copy of our updated brief and survey – here's the English version and French versionWe have created a toolkit, including key messages and suggested social media posts, for you to use when interacting with candidates.You can find your riding, your local candidates and their contact info herePlease contact the CAEM office at 416-787-9377 or with any questions you may have and please let us know about the responses you receive from your candidates.  Thank you in advance for getting involved in this campaign and making an impact.
  • Hardest Hit Coalition 
    CAEM continues to contribute to the work of the Hardest Hit Coalition and is a proud member of the Steering Committee.  Like CAEM, this broader group is undertaking to hammer home the message of the urgent need for continued and tailored support for the tourism and events sector.  To support this joint effort, please consider taking less than 2 minutes to send a pre-written letter to your local candidates.  It takes just a few clicks to make a difference.  Click here to send a letter now.   



  • Last night, Premier Jason Kenney declared a state of public health emergency in Alberta due to rising COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations. With this announcement came new health measures including restrictions on restaurants, indoor gatherings, weddings and funerals, retail, entertainment venues and indoor sport and fitness beginning September 20th.  Measures in workplaces, indoor private gatherings, places of worship, schools and children’s activities, as well as mandatory masking and physical distancing in all indoor public spaces begins September  16th.  The government announcement is available here.A proof of vaccination program was also announced to come into effect on September 20th in the form of a Restrictions Exemption Program.   The details available for this program, as they appear on the government website,  are as follows, businesses that implement the Restrictions Exemption Program would operate as usual, provided they are serving only people who have proof of immunization or who have a recent privately paid negative test, as per the requirements in place. This means they could immediately and without restriction serve any individual eligible for vaccination who has proof of double vaccination (note that for a transitional period between Sept. 20 and Oct. 25, proof of a single dose would be considered acceptable as long as the dose was given two weeks or more before the time of service); has documentation of a medical exemption; has proof of a recent (within the previous 72 hours) negative COVID-19 test (either PCR or Rapid Test, the test may not be from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories); and those under age 12 would not need to provide proof of immunization or a negative test to enter a participating business.More details can be found at  As always, CAEM is working to get clarity surrounding key elements in this  announcement and will provide updates as we have them 


  • CAEM has been actively participating in BC’s COVID-19 Industry Engagement Table over the course of the last several months.  On September 10th, CAEM was invited to participate in a vaccine card engagement session which included representatives from Public Health and the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation.  Representing CAEM were President, Bianca Kennedy; Executive Director, Jennifer Allaby; Brad Styba, Tradex; Jill Kivett, Marketplace Events; and Linda Waddell, Canadian Boat Shows.  You will find the presentation that was shared with the group regarding the vaccine card rollout here .  The key clarification sought in this meeting was to understand if exhibitors would be required to show proof of vaccination during events or would it be attendees only.  The government representatives were unable to give a completely decisive answer and promised to send us a definitive response.  To date we have followed up but as yet do not have the clarity required.  Understanding the urgency of this information, we continue to escalate our ask.
  • The Public Health Office order regarding proof of vaccine for events has been updated and can be found here.  Part D, found on page 7 of this document specifically details the proof of vaccination requirements for events.


  • On September 14, Ontario announced its guidance for businesses and organizations to support them in implementing proof of vaccination requirements.  CAEM attended a technical briefing regarding this prior to the announcement and you will find the government presentation here.  Also, the government has recently shared an extensive Q & A document covering a number of topics related to the proof of vaccination program. 
  • In our September 2 update we shared details of a meeting held with Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Giles Gherson, on August 26th.  At this meeting we explained at length the extensive impact of our industry on Ontario's economy and the fact we have not yet been able to re-open to a viable extent because of the capacity limits put on meeting and events spaces in Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen.  Deputy Minister Gherson pledged to speak to the Chief Medical Officer on our behalf and we are pleased to report we have a follow up meeting on September 16 to discuss this further and determine next steps.    


  • Earlier this week, the Association des professionnels en exposition du Québec (APEQ) received confirmation that the vaccine passport is not required for trade shows and consumer shows in the province of Quebec.  As confirmed by the Ministry of Tourism, trade show and consumer shows in Quebec are subject to the same health and safety guidance and passport program guidance as commercial establishments.  As of today, the vaccine passport is not required for commercial establishments in the province, and therefore not required for trade shows and consumer shows.  Neither workers, exhibitors nor attendees of trade shows or consumer shows need to present proof of vaccination to enter a trade show or consumer show.   


  • The New Brunswick Government announced the implementation of a proof of vaccination program in certain settings, including indoor organized gatherings, effect September 22.  Details can be found here
  • In Nova Scotia the proof of vaccination program will be implemented on October 4 and settings required include indoor and outdoor events.  More details available here

Show Spotlight

Interview with Michelle Kofman, Director of Operations & Events, AFA Expo

Tony Gallagher, GES and  Chair of the CAEM Communication Committee along with Co-Chair Nicole Jeffrey, Canadian Produce Marketing Association sat down with Michelle Kofman of MRK Communications representing the Association of Footwear and Apparel Canada to discuss her  recent in-person trade show.  The AFA Expo took place at the Toronto Congress Centre from August 22-24, 2021. They discuss such topics as the decision to hold an in-person event,  planning timelines, exhibitor communications, show design, virtual elements, registration and onsite screening, protocols for exhibitors, move in planning, feedback received, and lessons learned.

View the interview here

If you have any questions about the show, Michelle can be reached at

Job Postings

Here is the latest job posting available on the CAEM Careers page

Registration Coordinator, RC Show – Restaurants Canada

CAEM Members can post jobs for free on the CAEM Careers page – contact the office for details.

Industry News

GSS Security Welcomes Ken Jattan, CEM, as Consultant, Special Events and Crisis Management

Shaw Centre and GES Announce Partnership 

CAEM Members are encouraged to share press releases and announcements with the CAEM office to be posted on the Industry Updates page of the website and to be shared in our bi-weekly updates.