President’s Message

Dear Members,

The promise of summer is in the air and our industry is eager to begin a productive and enjoyable season. We are looking forward to Meeting in the Rockies for the 2019 Annual Conference, June 23 – 25. Our flagship signature event is always a great opportunity for members to network, learn and expand their industry contacts and this year is no exception. The dynamic venue, programming and education are sure to make Calgary 2019 a conference to remember.

In the months since the 2018 conference, CAEM’s Board of Directors has developed a number of new initiatives and value added opportunities for its members.

Redstone, our association management company, has led the charge toward an in-depth sponsorship analysis.  Together with the Board, they asked, listened and developed a new offering, based upon input from our valued sponsors who are integral to our future success as an association.

CAEM has always enjoyed a strong tie with the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and I am pleased to report that a reciprocity agreement with them has been finalized. The new arrangement allows CAEM to enjoy member rates for any IAEE event. We can now include information about CAEM events in their newsletters and we will explore joint opportunities together when they make sense for both associations. Keep an eye on our website as we continue to roll out new member resources as a result of our affiliation.

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) has included CAEM in two research projects. The first one explores the sponsorship process for show management members and the second will be a North American Census to document statistics for the Exhibitions Industry in North America. Our participation allows us access to the results so please respond when you see this questionnaire cross your inbox.

Our Membership efforts continue with a new Mentorship Program, designed to engage new members and industry veterans alike.  Additionally, the membership team has begun speaking at schools to provide industry experience to students and encouraging them to move confidently toward a career in Exhibitions and Events.

In closing, I am very grateful to be working with such a dedicated group of members, sponsors, volunteers and industry supporters. I am proud to be affiliated with each and every one of you.  Thank you for your membership.

Yours in CAEM,
