CAEM Update – March 10, 2021



Over the course of the last two weeks CAEM's President and Executive Director, joined by members of our industry coalition, held several meetings with the Federal Government.  The purpose of these meetings has been to illustrate that the exposition sector is amongst the hardest-hit; to educate government about the scope of our industry including our economic impact; and to present our case for sector specific funding.  Our meetings have been positive and welcomed by the MPs with whom we have met. Thank you to industry coalition members Greg Newton, Nick Samain, Brad Styba, Xavier Poncin and Alain Canuel for attending these meetings and telling their very impactful stories.

We continue to work with  our public affairs firm, Crestview Strategy, to secure more meetings and look forward to sharing more details as we have them. The timing of our meetings with government has been a well crafted strategy initiated by Crestview whereby our presentations are made in the direct lead up to the federal budget, in an effort to have more resonance. To this end,  the announcement this week that the Liberal Government will not table the budget in the House in March, but instead sometime between mid-April to mid-May, is good news for CAEM as we plan for more meetings.

To date CAEM has met with the following:

  • Galen Richardson, Regional Advisor, Office of the Minister of Economic Development
  • Earl Dreeshen, MP for Red Deer- Mountain View
  • Pat Kelly, MP for Calgary Rocky Ridge – Shadow Minister Western Economic Development
  • James Cumming, MP for Edmonton Centre  – Shadow Minister COVID -19 Recovery
  • Ed Fast, MP for  Abbotsford-  Shadow Minister Finance
  • Sebastien Lemire, MP for  Abitibi—Témiscamingue

Regional Relief And Recovery Fund ( RRRF) 

In our meeting with Galen Richardson from the Office of the Minister of Economic Development, we learned that our industry is not excluded from applying for the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF).  While this funding stream is comprised of loans, we thought it was important to draw it to your attention as there is still time to apply before the March 31st deadline.  For more information about the RRRF fund and details regarding the application process in your region, click here.  


CAEM was heartened to hear the news last week that the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy ( CEWS) and Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy ( CERS) have been extended to June 2021.  In our meetings with government we continue to reiterate that these programs will be essential to our industry  when we are allowed to re-open, recognizing that our businesses have seen little to no revenue since March 2020, with no immediate relief in site.  We also highlight the need for the CERS criteria be expanded to include rent paid by show producers to venues once re-opening begins. The same way retail stores in shopping malls are eligible for the rent subsidy, producers of trade and consumer shows should also be able to apply for this subsidy to cover their rental fees payable to their respective venues.



  • Starting in mid-April, the Enhanced COVID-19 Business Benefit will provide payments of up to $10,000 to eligible small and medium businesses most affected by the pandemic and ongoing public health restrictions.



Thank you to those who have filled out this survey, your responses were a key talking point in our recent meetings with government.  As a result, we are extending the deadline to fill out  this very important survey  to Tuesday, March 16th.   Please consider taking 5 minutes to fill out the survey and play an important role in CAEM's advocacy strategy. Click here to complete the survey. 


If you missed this fantastic culinary experience last week, you are in luck!  Click here to watch Chef Tawfik Shehata take you step by step through making Ricotta Gnocchi.  You'll find the recipe and ingredients list here as well as the preparation instructions.   Enjoy!

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Government Resources

As the Provinces continue working through their reopening and recovery plans, you can find each Province’s timeline and actions here: 


Additional Resources: