CAEM, in conjunction with our government relations firm, Crestview Strategy, examined the Federal Budget at length and as a result developed an updated government brief which can be found here. .CAEM’s President, Executive Director as well as several members and stakeholders continue to attend meetings with Federal MPs to discuss the shortcomings of the budget as it relates to our industry. A detailed list of the Members of Parliament we have met with can be found here. In addition to these meetings, we have had several meetings with high-ranking senior policy advisors in the following ministries: Finance, Small Business, Economic Development, and Employment.
In all meetings held with government CAEM continues to advocate for extensions to the wage subsidy and the rent subsidy into 2022. Further to this we continue to ask that the rent subsidy eligibility criteria be expanded to include rent paid by show producers to facilities once re-opening begins. Given the significant amount of money ($1 billion) announced in the Federal Budget for Tourism and Events, we now press the MPs and senior policy advisors for clarity and confirmation that these newly announced programs will include businesses in the trade and consumer show sector. Moreover, we make it abundantly clear that our industry cannot withstand more debt, that the help we need must come in the form of grants and not loans.
- CAEM was pleased to participate in the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) Tourism Day on April 15th. CAEM’s President attended meetings with Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy and MP Sheref Sabaway – the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
- Ontario Meeting & Event Spaces Working Group: In a recent newsletter we reported that this Working Group, Co-Chaired by CAEM President Bianca Kennedy, received a response from the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Industries regarding the recommended changes the Working Group submitted to the Guidance for Meeting & Event Spaces document released by the Ontario Government in 2020. This response noted the recommendations were under consideration but there has been a delay due to the current COVID-19 situation.
As a result, in early May, the Working Group submitted an updated recovery plan to the Ministry which addresses not only re-opening capacity limits but also the need for more direct financial support for the sector. These documents are available below and we encourage CAEM members and industry stakeholders who operate or support events in Ontario to download and share these documents widely with your network. CAEM further encourages you to take a moment to send these to your local MPPs as well as Federal MPs and request a meeting to discuss.
Fact Sheet: Meeting & Event Industry
Federal Recovery Asks: Meeting & Event Industry
Provincial Recovery Asks: Meeting & Event Sector
Co-founded by Dr. Gina Wong and Sheila Wong, the Asian Gold Ribbon 2021 campaign is galvanizing individuals, organizations, and communities to demonstrate solidarity against anti-Asian racism and to recognize its psychological impact. May 20th, during Asian Heritage month, is designated as Asian Gold Ribbon Day, a time when people from all walks of life will adorn a gold ribbon to show visible solidarity against anti-Asian racism.
Visit the Asian Gold Ribbon website for more information.
Celebrate Global Exhibitions Day – June 2, 2021
This year’s Global Exhibition Day is fast approaching! Taking place on 2 June, it's the day we celebrate the exhibition industry globally. From our industry’s largest global organizers to individual professionals, everyone can get involved. And the entire exhibition industry is encouraged to take part! More details available here.