CAEM Winter Social – December 15, 4pm – 7pm

Registration for this event has now closed.  Please contact the CAEM office with any questions you may have 416-787-9377 or


It's been been almost 2 years since our last in-person gathering and we are very excited to announce a new event for 2021 – the CAEM Winter Social.

Please join us on Wednesday December 15th at the Stackt Market for some long-overdue networking along with some food and drink while experiencing the festive atmosphere and activities this unique venue offers.

Stackt is Canada's largest shipping container market.  Designed entirely out of shipping containers, the market is an ever-evolving cultural marketplace featuring a mix of shops, a microbrewery, top chefs and spectacular city views.  If you haven't been, this is a fantastic opportunity to come check it out. CAEM's Winter Social will take place in the Stackt Studio and Lookout, which offers an indoor as well as outdoor experience.

For everyone's health and safety and in following the Ontario government- mandated regulations, masks must be worn at all times unless food or drinks are being consumed.  Proof of vaccination will be checked upon entry, active screening must be completed, and contract tracing will be in effect.  You will find the detailed health and safety protocols in place for this event here, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them.


As the presenting sponsors of the CAEM Winter Social, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and Destination Toronto are working together to offer a special discounted ticket price for CAEM's Expo Managers. It has been a very long time since we have had the opportunity to gather and we encourage our Expo Members to take advantage of this very generous offer made possible the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and Destination Toronto.

Registration Details

  • CAEM Expo Members:  $30 plus tax
  • Employees from a CAEM Expo Member Company: $40 plus tax
    A special rate is available for employees who are not CAEM members, but the organization they work for is a member of CAEM.  Please email for a registration code.
  • CAEM Associate Members: $65 plus tax
  • Employees from a CAEM Associate Member Company: $75 plus tax
    A special rate is available for employees who are not CAEM members, but the organization they work for is a member of CAEM.  Please email for a registration code.
  • Auxiliary, Retired & Student Members: $65 plus tax
  • Non-Members: $100 plus tax




Presenting Sponsors