How Did You End Up Here? Nicole Jeffrey
In this edition of the EXPO READY newsletter we launch a new initiative entitled “How did you end up here?” to shine a spotlight on the experiences of a CAEM member to learn more about what brought them to the exposition and event industry. Learn more about Nicole Jeffrey, Event Planner, Trade Show & Events for the Canadian Produce Marketing Association below:
Q. How did you first get involved?
A. I didn’t know the industry existed until I turned up at my University career services office at the end of my degree and more or less said “I have a music degree but would like to be employed – what shall we do about this?” While I majored in music, I’d not intended to a make a career out of it (love to play, don’t like to practice!) and so upon discovering that there was an entire industry where I could organize things professionally, I was hooked! Algonquin College has a fantastic Event Management Program and from there I got involved with MPI where I made connections that led to my first industry job.
Q. What made you decide to stick with it?
A. It ended up being a great fit for me, there’s a lot of variety in event planning, which means that there’s always new challenges to work on. It also allows me to engage my creative side, when coming up with new and innovative ideas for the show, as well as my logistical side, which will happily read through an 87 page venue operations manual with equal enthusiasm.
Q. Why do you still do what you do?
A. It’s a great industry to be involved in, where everyone is clearly so passionate about what they do. There’s definitely a thrill in putting all the pieces together to create experiences and memorable moments for attendees and immense satisfaction to watch it all come together on show site. There’s a lot of work behind the scenes that makes everything run smoothly. I do feel a little bit like a magician some days (and occasionally have to be one!)
Would you like to share your background or journey in an edition of EXPO READY? Email the CAEM Office at [email protected] to get involved!