It’s Never Been Easier to Keep in Touch

With over 350 CAEM members across Canada, keeping in touch with colleagues, friends and top industry news can be tricky. With our newly enhanced CAEM website, information is readily available online for upcoming eventsCEM courses and a full membership directory.

Even easier, link to our social media pages and get the latest information sent straight to you when you check your accounts.

Join us on LinkedIn by searching for Canadian Association of Exposition Managers and clicking ‘Ask to Join'.

Don't have an account yet? LinkedIn is the largest professional social network online. You can use it to find a job, network with peers, get sales leads, connect with industry peers and find out what others are working on. It's real-time and full of great information to move your career forward.

Here are the steps to join: How To Use LinkedIn


If you are already connected on Facebook, go to the CAEM page and click ‘Follow'.

Unsure if you want to join Facebook? More than 1 billion people are active on Facebook sharing events, causes, recipes, current events and some supercute kitten videos to help you through the week.

If you haven't yet joined Facebook, here is a link to help walk you through the steps: How To Use Facebook


Join CAEM on Twitter with the handle @caemevents

Thinking about joining Twitter? To keep up to date on the latest news and events, Twitter's real time social networking provides second-to-second updates on what is happening in your community, country and the world at large.

Here is a link to help you sign up: How To Use Twitter